Proverbs 16:31

The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.
– Proverbs 16:31

The word for glory means beauty and splendor. It can indicate honor and renown. The hoary head refers to the gray head and is not only put here for old age, but a long life. A long life in the way of righteousness is a life lived in wisdom. This proverb is another promise of the reward of long life for those who seek wisdom early and walk in it (Proverbs 3:16; 4:10).

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Proverbs 16:22

Understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that hath it: but the instruction of fools is folly.
– Proverbs 16:22

The word for understanding means prudence, or good sense. It appears several times in Proverbs and throughout the Old Testament. It was the word used to describe Abigail in 1 Samuel 25:3. We would say she had a good head on her shoulders. Practical wisdom is a life giving blessing (Proverbs 3:22; 14:30), as wellspring of life indicates (Proverbs 10:11; 13:14; 14:27; 18:4). The second phrase is a contrast to the life giving blessing of wisdom. The word for instruction means chastisement, or reproof. Such correction coming from fools is useless, worthless (Proverbs 15:2, 28). If we press the antithetical parallel further, rather than giving life, folly leads to destruction and death (Proverbs 5:23; 14:1).

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Proverbs 15:31

The ear that heareth the reproof of life abideth among the wise.
– Proverbs 15:31

The last three proverbs of chapter 15 touch generally on being teachable and receptive to instruction and reproof. The word for reproof means a correction, or rebuke. Reproof is one of wisdom’s primary instruments (Proverbs 1:23; 6:23). Here it is life giving and puts one among the wise. Abiding among the wise increases wisdom (Proverbs 13:20;19:20).

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Proverbs 15:27

He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house; but he that hateth gifts shall live.
– Proverbs 15:27

The word for greedy means covetous, but also violence. The greedy want gain at all costs, even to death (Proverbs 1:19). They are in a hurry to get rich (Proverbs 28:22). Greed is a driving force rather than wisdom and brings trouble, or disturbance, to his own house (Proverbs 11:29). The contrasting phrase juxtaposes life, so we infer pursuing greed leads to death (Proverbs 11:19). The way of wisdom and way of life is to hate gifts (Proverbs 8:13). The word for gifts means a present. The word sometimes means a bribe and Proverbs warns against bribes to pervert justice (Proverbs 28:16; 29:4).

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Proverbs 15:24

The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath.
– Proverbs 15:24

The wisdom of Proverbs reveals there are ultimately only two ways—the way of life and the way of death. The way of life is the way of wisdom, instruction, and correction (Proverbs 6:23; 10:17). It is the way that delivers from death (Proverbs 12:28; 14:23). The word for above means upward, or higher. It is contrasted with hell beneath, which is sheol, or the realm of the dead. It is the end of the way of folly as seen in the warnings against the way of the strange woman (Proverbs 2:18; 5:5; 7:27).

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Proverbs 14:32

The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death.
– Proverbs 14:32

Proverbs speaks of life and death often, but usually in the sense of life being a reward for wisdom and death being the same for folly (Proverbs 3:2; 5:23). Many commentators think the afterlife too advanced a subject for the time of the Proverbs, but this proverb is one place it is glimpsed. The word for driven away means to be cast down. The wicked shall not stand in the judgment and riches cannot deliver them (Proverbs 11:4, 7). The contrast is the hope, or refuge, of the righteous in death. Hope is had because righteousness delivers from death (Proverbs 11:4) and is the way of life (Proverbs 12:28).

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Proverbs 14:30

A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.
– Proverbs 14:30

The word for sound means healthy or whole, and heart refers figuratively to the mind. We must guard our minds and feed them with sound wisdom to guard our life (Proverbs 4:23; Philippians 4:8). Wisdom affects our overall health as does folly (Proverbs 17:22). The contrast here is with envy, or jealousy. Envy, bitterness, resentment, anger, and all such thoughts and feelings are those that eat away at a man mentally, emotionally, and physically.

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Proverbs 13:14

The law of the wise is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.
– Proverbs 13:14

The word for law means direction or instruction. It can refer to any instruction, though it often refers to God’s law-word. Here it is qualified as the law of the wise. The wise have the fear of the Lord and have acquired wisdom (Proverbs 14:27). Their wise instruction functions two ways. The fountain of life imagery suggests they are a source of life as well as refreshment. Their law also teaches to depart from the snares of death, or delivers from death (Proverbs 15:24; 16:6, 17).

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Proverbs 13:9

The light of the righteous rejoiceth: but the lamp of the wicked shall be put out.
– Proverbs 13:9

The course a person is on in life gives an expectation for their end. We might say the righteous have a bright future. The word for rejoiceth can include the idea of brightening. They are in the way of increasing light (Proverbs 4:18). The lamp being put out refers to darkness and to death. The image is a repeated warning (Proverbs 20:20; 24:20). Whatever brightness the wicked enjoy in life will be turned to darkness when their expectation dies (Proverbs 11:7).

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