Proverbs 10:6

Blessings are upon the head of the just: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
– Proverbs 10:6

Wisdom is much more concerned with outcomes over time than immediate gains or losses. The just is a righteous or lawful man. The perspective is his relation to and dealing with others. Over time, his just dealings return blessings, or benedictions, upon him. He has a reputation or a good name. Conversely, the wicked pour out foolishness from their mouths (Proverbs 15:28). Ultimately violence covers them as their mouths prove to be their own snare and destruction (Proverbs 12:13; 18:6-7).

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Proverbs 4:24

Put away from thee a forward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.
– Proverbs 4:24

Froward and perverse both carry the thought of crooked. They describe speech which is bent away from the straight way of wisdom. They are opposite of righteousness (Proverbs 8:8). Guarding the heart and mind is primarily a guarding of input and storage. We are also to give diligence to guard the product of heart and mind as well. The mouth and lips are obviously put for speech. Many exhortations, admonitions, and reproofs concerning speech await us in the Proverbs. So wisdom entails the governing of our tongues, which is no small feat and is accomplished with no small effort (James 3:3-8).

Listen to the Proverbs sermon series