Proverbs 20:7

The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.
– Proverbs 20:7

The word for just means righteous, or lawful, in conduct and character. Walking justly is another aspect of walking in wisdom, for the upright man fears the Lord (Proverbs 14:2) and his integrity is better than wealth (Proverbs 19:1). Just men are a blessing to others because of their wise and healthy speech (Proverbs 10:11, 21), wise leadership (Proverbs 29:2), and their flourishing (Proverbs 11:28, 30). The blessing here is more specifically to his children after him. The just man blesses the generations that come after him through living out his life in integrity (Proverbs 10:7; 13:22).

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Proverbs 11:3

The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.
– Proverbs 11:3

The word for integrity points to innocence. Upright means straight. These are contrasted with the crooked ways of the treacherous—perverseness of transgressors. The main point here, as in similar proverbs, is that integrity in wisdom will preserve and guide the upright, while the very crookedness of the deceivers will destroy them (Proverbs 13:6; 28:18).

Listen to the Proverbs sermon series