Posted by Jeff Short on March 29, 2018 · Leave a Comment
If thou hast nothing to pay, why should he take away thy bed from under thee?
– Proverbs 22:27
Being surety, or striking hands, is like cosigning a loan for someone today. If the borrower defaults, the cosigner assumes responsibility for the debt. The warning of the previous verse comes home in harsh reality that you could literally lose your bed from under you. Wisdom takes a longer view and looks to the outcomes, or the end of the way you are going. Becoming surety opens yourself to vulnerability and puts you at risk of future loss.
Listen to the Proverbs sermon series
Posted by Jeff Short on March 3, 2018 · Leave a Comment
A prudent man foreseeth evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.
– Proverbs 22:3
The word for
prudent means shrewd, or sensible. The word can be used negatively in terms of crooked schemes, as seen in the three uses outside of Proverbs (Genesis 3:1; Job 5:12; 15:5). The word is used positively in Proverbs to refer to planning ability. Such wisdom is the result of receiving instruction, correction, and training. The
prudent man has learned to look to the end of the way. He sees the potential for calamity and takes refuge from it. The word for
simple means silly, or naïve. They plunge forward in life with little or no thought about what lies ahead. The word for
punishment means penalty and here indicates the simple have to pay for their mistakes. Put plainly, the simple lack wisdom, but there is hope for the simple, if they will learn wisdom (Proverbs 1:2-5; 8:5; 9:4-6).
Listen to the Proverbs sermon series
Proverbs 22:27
Posted by Jeff Short on March 29, 2018 · Leave a Comment
If thou hast nothing to pay, why should he take away thy bed from under thee?
Being surety, or striking hands, is like cosigning a loan for someone today. If the borrower defaults, the cosigner assumes responsibility for the debt. The warning of the previous verse comes home in harsh reality that you could literally lose your bed from under you. Wisdom takes a longer view and looks to the outcomes, or the end of the way you are going. Becoming surety opens yourself to vulnerability and puts you at risk of future loss.– Proverbs 22:27
Listen to the Proverbs sermon series
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