Proverbs 26:9

As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

– Proverbs 26:9

The word for parable is most often translated proverb in the Old Testament. It usually refers to a wisdom saying, like the proverbs in this book. The first phrase is a little more difficult. The word for drunkard means intoxicated person. The likely image is a drunken person grabbing a thorn bush, or branch, to possible use as a weapon or instrument. His senseless state means he doesn’t realize what he grabbed and that it will prove as hurtful to him as to anyone else. So, a fool does not understand a proverb and, therefore, will not use it correctly. Proverbs are fashioned in wisdom and require skill to understand and teach (Ecclesiastes 12:11).




Proverbs 26:8

As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honor to a fool.

– Proverbs 26:8

Binding a stone in a sling is a senseless act. It renders the sling useless for its intended purpose and could also injure the person trying to use it. The point is clear from the second phrase. Honor is not fitting for a fool and could even be dangerous (Proverbs 26:1).




Proverbs 26:7

The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

– Proverbs 26:7

The image of lame legs hanging limp indicates the inability of the man to use them. A parable, or proverb, is not understood by fools and cannot be used properly. It requires a wise man beginning from the fear of the Lord “to understand a proverb, and the interpretation” (Proverbs 1:5-7).




Proverbs 26:6

He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off the feet, and drinketh damage.

– Proverbs 26:6


This proverb focuses on the sender more than the foolish messenger. Other proverbs speak of employing a messenger and the whole pictures contrasts the negative effects of sending a sluggard or a fool and the positive effects of sending a faithful messenger (Proverbs 10:26; 13:17; 25:13). The image here, cutteth off the feet and drinketh damage, shows the foolish messenger being unhelpful and hurtful.  Drinking speaks of abundance, or excessive damage, or violence.




Proverbs 26:5

Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

– Proverbs 26:5

This verse seems to contradict the previous one, but this one aims at correction, “lest he be wise in his own conceit.” If there is any hope for a fool, he must be corrected (Proverbs 26:12). The previous verse teaches not to abandon wisdom to be like a fool. This verse teaches to use wisdom in turning the fool’s folly against him. Paul did this with the Corinthian church in 2 Corinthians 11:16-33. Taking the two verses together could be understood as teaching us to pick our battles wisely.




Proverbs 26:4

Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou be like unto him.

– Proverbs 26:4

This verse continues the theme of fools and works together with the next verse, which seems to be contradictory. The difficulty presented by the seemingly opposite statements is representative of the difficulty of dealing with fools in general. The key is in the second phrase in each saying. The consequence in this verse is being like a fool yourself. Don’t reason like a fool, use verbal overflows, answer before understanding, etc. In other words, don’t abandon wisdom to answer a fool.




Proverbs 26:3

A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back.

– Proverbs 26:3


This verse keeps with the theme of fittedness from the first two verses. The whip, bridle, and rod are fit for the horse, ass, and fool, respectively. The imagery works on at least two levels. The animals must be led and controlled by the whip and halter, just as the fool must be punished, or constrained by the rod. These animals are generally known for stubbornness and difficulty to handle and the fool is likened to them. Wisdom has previously shown the fool does not respond to verbal correction or instruction (Proverbs 10:13).




Proverbs 26:2

As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.

– Proverbs 26:2


The wording of this verse is difficult and commentators struggle with it. It’s best to take the verse as a part of the first 12 verses, else it would be the only one out of theme in this group. The curse in this verse is opposite of the honor in the first verse, so this verse seems connected in that way. Honor is not fitting for a fool and here the curse considered is causeless, or without reason. The image given is of birds flitting about, but never landing and remaining. The causeless curse will not stick.




Proverbs 26:1

Chapter 26 continues with Solomon’s proverbs collected by the men of King Hezekiah’s court. The proverbs in this chapter address the subjects of fools, sluggards, trouble makers, and speech.

As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honor is not seemly for a fool.
– Proverbs 26:1

Verses 1-12 speak about fools and dealing with fools. This proverb uses two weather images to warn us against honoring, or elevating, fools. The first image of snow in summer is something that it out of place. Snow simply does not belong in summer. The second image of rain in harvest is something that is unwanted and disastrous. The word for seemly means suitable, or becoming. Wisdom teaches to not give honor to fools, for they are not fit for it and will likely be disastrous.



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